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Fidya and Kaffarah

Islamic Fidya and Kaffarah: A Conceptual Analysis

Fidya and Kaffarah are two terms that hold significant importance in Islamic jurisprudence, especially during the month of Ramadan. Fidya refers to the compensation that is paid when a person is unable to fast due to illness or other valid reasons. At the same time, Kaffarah is the penalty for breaking a fast intentionally.

In this blog, we will explore the concepts of Fidya and Kaffarah in detail and understand their significance in Islam. We will also discuss the conditions under which these obligations arise and the rules and regulations that govern them. 

Whether you are a practicing Muslim or simply interested in learning about Islamic traditions and rituals, this blog post will provide you with valuable insights into the concepts of Fidya and Kaffarah. So, let’s dive in and explore these important aspects of Islamic jurisprudence together.

What is Fidya?

In  Islam, fidya is a religious obligation. It involves paying monetary compensation for a missed fast during Ramadan. According to Islamic law, Muslims who are unable to fast due to valid reasons are required to pay fidya. The fidya is for helping the poor and needy. In Quran,


“And if any of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp (necessitating shaving), (he should) in compensation either fast or feed the poor, or offer sacrifice.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:196)


The amount of fidya is calculated based on the current cost of a basic meal in the region. It is equal to feeding one poor person for each missed or invalid fast. The fidya payment is a way for Muslims who cannot fast to fulfill their religious obligation.


Eligibility for Fidya

There is some categories for giving fidya. It applies to certain types of people for certain reasons if someone is unable to fast. Here is the list of reasons for what reasons you have to pay fidya:

  1. Elderly Muslims who cannot fast due to age or health pay this Fidya.
  2. A pregnant or breastfeeding Muslim woman who is unable to fast due to health reasons pay this type of Fidya.
  3. Severely ill Muslims who cannot fast pay this Fidya.
  4. Mentally ill Muslims who cannot fast pay this Fidya.
  5. Traveling Muslims who cannot fast during Ramadan pay for this Fidya.

The amount of Fidya varies depending on the region and the current market prices of the food items. One consult with a religious authority for guidance on the amount of Fidya.

What is Kaffarah?

Kaffarah definition is an Arabic term used in Islamic law to refer to a penalty or expiation for certain violations or sins. In Islam, there are certain acts that need kaffarah as a means of seeking forgiveness from Allah. In Quran, it says,

“But those who can fast (but) with hardship, (they have to compensate) feeding a poor person for each day (missed). And whoever volunteers good, it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:184)

Kaffarah is for serious offenses, such as breaking a fast during the month of Ramadan without a valid reason or breaking an oath intentionally. In such cases, the person who committed the offense is required to make a donation to the poor or needy.

Types of Kaffarah

Kaffarah meaning in Arabic is atonement for specific sins or misdeeds. There are different types of Kaffarah in Islam, including –

Kaffarah for breaking a fast

Kaffara for fasting is for those who intentionally break their fast during Ramadan. The kaffara for breaking fast requires the person to fast for 60 consecutive days or to feed 60 poor people. Kaffara for breaking fast due to illness has many opinions. Scholars say if the sickness is severe and will be made worse by fasting, then you don’t have to pay any compensation.

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

This type of Kaffarah is for those who break an oath they have taken. It requires the person to either fast for three consecutive days or feed ten poor people.

Kaffarah for hunting during Hajj

This type of Kaffarah is for those who hunt an animal during the Hajj pilgrimage. It requires the person to either sacrifice a domestic animal or feed six poor people.

Kaffarah for accidental death

This type of Kaffarah is for those who are accidentally responsible for another person’s death. It requires the person to either free a slave, fast for two consecutive months or feed sixty poor people.

Kaffarah for breaking a vow

This type of Kaffarah is for those who break a vow they have made to Allah. It requires the person to either feed ten poor people or clothe them.

It is important to note that Kaffarah is only applicable for certain sins and is not a substitute for sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

Differences between Fidya and Kaffarah





A compensation or penalty for missing a fast during Ramadan unintentionally or having a valid reason

A compensation or penalty for committing certain sins or breaking a fast intentionally


To feed a needy person for each day of missed or intentionally broken fast

To make up for sins or mistakes and seek forgiveness from Allah


In most cases, the amount is equivalent to feeding one poor person two meals for each day of missed 

Depending on the sin, the amount may vary from fasting for 60 consecutive days to feeding 10 poor people.


Fidya is applicable to those who are unable to fast due to illness, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, or those who are too old or too weak to fast

Kaffarah is applicable to those who break an oath or commit certain sins, such as intentionally breaking a fast during Ramadan without a valid reason, committing unintentional murder.


Fidya can be paid after Ramadan, but before the next Ramadan begins

Kaffarah should be paid as soon as possible after committing the sin or mistake

Calculation of Fidya and Kaffarah


To calculate fidya, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Count the number of days that you were unable to fast during Ramadan.
  2. The amount of fidya that should be paid per day is the value of one meal or the average cost of a meal in your local area. This amount may vary depending on your location and the cost of food in your area.
  3. Once you have determined the number of missed fasts and the amount of fidya per day, multiply these two numbers together to get the total amount of fidya that you need to pay.

For example, if the average cost of a meal in your area is $5 and you missed 10 fasts during Ramadan, the calculation would be –

Fidya per day = $5

Number of missed fasts = 10

Total fidya = Fidya per day x Number of missed fasts

Total fidya = $5 x 10 = $50

Therefore, you would need to pay $50 as fidya for the missed fasts during Ramadan. It is recommended to pay fidya as soon as possible after Ramadan, but it can be paid later if necessary.


In terms of kaffarah, there is no certain calculation. As kaffarah is given for different sins, the amount of compensation depends on the sins you have committed. And they mainly involve feeding the poor and fasting. 

The value of the penalty is equal to the cost of two meals a day for sixty poor people. The cost of the meal may vary depending on the location and the type of food you choose to provide. You can also donate the money to an organization that provides food to the poor. Take the guidance of an Islamic scholar to fulfill kaffarah properly.

In Islam, kaffarah is a serious issue that should be taken seriously. It is always best to make up for missed fasts as soon as possible.

Importance of Fulfilling Fidya and Kaffarah

Fidya and kaffarah are important concepts in Islam that relate to the expiation of certain types of sins or omissions. Fidya is a form of compensation paid by those who are unable to fast during Ramadan due to illness, pregnancy, or old age, while kaffarah is a form of penalty paid for certain serious violations of Islamic law.

Fulfilling fidya and kaffarah is important for several reasons. First, it is a way to seek forgiveness from Allah and to show remorse for one’s mistakes. It is a means of purifying oneself from sin and demonstrating sincerity in one’s faith.

Second, it is a way to uphold the principles of justice and fairness in society. By paying fidya or kaffarah, one is making amends for the harm caused by their actions and compensating those who may have been affected. This helps to maintain the social order and prevent further harm.

Finally, fulfilling fidya and kaffarah is a way to demonstrate compassion and generosity towards those in need. Fidya is often paid to provide food for the poor, while kaffarah may involve giving money or other forms of assistance to those who have been wronged. By doing so, one is fulfilling their duty to care for their fellow human beings and to work towards a more just and equitable society.

In summary, fulfilling fidya and kaffarah is an important aspect of Islamic practice that involves seeking forgiveness, upholding justice, and demonstrating compassion. It is a way to purify oneself from sin, compensate those who have been wronged, and help those in need.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you fail Ramadan accidentally then you have to pay fidya and for intentionally breaking fast, you have to pay kaffarah.

Fidya and Kaffarah are significant concepts in Islam that serve as a means of seeking forgiveness, upholding justice, and demonstrating compassion. By fulfilling fidya and Kaffarah obligations, one can purify themselves from sin, compensate those who have been wronged, and provide assistance to those in need. These practices demonstrate the values of fairness, generosity, and social responsibility that are fundamental to Islam. It is essential to understand the significance of these practices and fulfill them with sincerity and dedication, thereby fostering a more just and compassionate society.

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