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September 12, 2023

Aqiqah in Islam: A Holy Celebration Of Birth

aqiqah in islam

September 12, 2023

Aqiqah in Islam: A Holy Celebration Of Birth

aqiqah in islam

Childbirth is a beautiful phenomenon. In Islam, we celebrate this joyous arrival of the newborn with a ritual called Aqiqah in Islam. As a gesture of gratitude, people sacrifice sheep or goats. 

The spiritual importance of Aqiqah refers to seeking Almighty Allah’s blessings.  It creates an opportunity for families to celebrate welcoming of the newborn. Apart from that, Aqiqah concerns compassion for marginalized individuals with meat distribution. 

In this blog, let us delve into the details of Aqiqah in Islam. 

What is Aqiqah

Aqiqah in Islam is a cherished Islamic tradition. It celebrates childbirth, fosters a sense of community, and expresses gratitude for life. Every action and ritual on this earth has a purpose. Aqiqah is no different in this regard. As a cherished Islamic tradition, Aqiqah serves profound purposes. 

Benefits of Aqiqah 

Aqiqah, a central tenet of Islam. It has many positive implications for people’s souls and society at large. The birth of a child marks the ritual sacrifice of an animal, a lamb or goat. Aqiqah promotes a sense of community and compassion among Muslims. It provides an opportunity to share blessings with the less fortunate.

Spiritual Significance:

In Islam, the Muslim seeks consistent soulful strength and blessings of Allah. Often, it takes years for many families to give birth to offspring. Aqiqah allow families to express gratitude and seek protection for the newborn. It is a symbol of raising children in the serene path of Islam. 

Community and Celebration:

Families unite to celebrate the joyous occasion of welcoming a newborn in the family. This communal observation marks a new milestone in relationships. It strengthens bonds and offers support to the new parents. 

The Practice of Generosity: 

Sacrificing animals is a special ritual of Aqiqah. Muslims perform this act to express thankfulness to Allah. The meat of sacrificial animals is in 3 parts: family, friends, and the needy. People foster generosity and gratitude in celebrating the newborn’s birth. 

Performing a Sunnah:

Sunnah are practices and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They serve as a model for Muslims all around the world. 

Aqiqah in Islam is a Sunnah act. It means it was a spiritual and holy practice by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His noble act of welcoming the newborn emphasizes practicing gratitude, generosity, and well-being. Thus, Aqiqah for newborn babies has been a religious tradition for generations. 

Procedure of Aqiqah

The holy act of Aqiqah is a means to celebrate life and birth with compassion and benevolence. Let us look into some of the Aqiqa preparation rules that we must follow. 

Timing: Aqiqah is generally performed on the 7th day of the child’s birth. If the 7th day falls on a Friday; it falls on the following Saturday. 

Taste of honey: The newborn gets the taste of honey which correlates with the sweetness of the Quran.

Haircut: Haircutting of the baby is a must before the Aqiqah. The haircut symbolizes purification and readiness for prayer and other religious rituals. 

Sacrificial Animal: Generally, the sacrificial animals for Aqiqah are goats or sheep. Selection of animals depends on the financial ability of the family. The animals must be healthy and free from any defects. Note that the animals must meet specific age criteria. The lamb and goat must be at least 6 months and 12 months of age. 

Aqiqah rule for a Baby Boy: The number of sacrificial animals for a baby boy is two. 

Meat Distribution: The meat of the sacrificial animal for Aqiqa is in three parts. One-third of the meat is for the family and one-third for relatives and friends. The remaining one-third for the needy. 


In Islam, Sadaqah concerns voluntary charity giving with a sincere and generous heart. As an act of kindness and compassion, the Sadaqah in Aqiqah is a virtuous practice. The calculation measure is approximately 12g of hair. It equates to 12g of silver=£10.

In conclusion, Aqiqah is an important Islamic tradition. It refelcts spiritual and humanitarian benefits. This sunnah act involves sacrificing an animal, usually a lamb or goat, to celebrate the birth of a child. Aqiqah strengthens family bonds and also provides blessings for the less fortunate. It fosters a sense of community and generosity within the Muslim faith.

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