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November 19, 2022

UMR Partners with UNICEF USA for Winter Relief Distribution in Pakistan

UMR Partners with UNICEF on Pakistan Winter Relief

November 19, 2022

UMR Partners with UNICEF USA for Winter Relief Distribution in Pakistan

UMR Partners with UNICEF on Pakistan Winter Relief

In Pakistan, the echoes of the monsoon linger. While the biting wind approaches, millions face the aftermath of natural disasters. Pakistan is always living through natural disasters and economic challenges. As Pakistan can’t fight it alone, it is often at the forefront of humanitarian help. The winter of 2022 was no exception. The nation faced the aftereffects of devastating monsoon rains.

It left millions in dire need. Amidst the hardship, the United Mission for Relief & Development (UMR) is a glimmer of hope. UMR teams up with UNICEF USA to help these people bear the cold weather.

UMR and UNICEF USA Collaboration for Winter Relief

The summer of 2022 brought unprecedented challenges to Pakistan. A historic monsoon left its mark. As a result, they would run into increased suffering during winter. So, UMR joined forces with UNICEF USA. The collaboration aimed to provide essential winter supplies. Together, they helped the families affected by the catastrophic flood with:

  • Clothing
  • Hats
  • Hygiene kits
  • Shelter

The floods have directly impacted 33 million people, including 16 million children. Over a million houses have been destroyed, and the death toll exceeds 1,500. UMR and UNICEF USA express deep concern for the millions of families. As of now, 33 million people, including 16 million children, have been directly impacted by the floods. With freezing temperatures approaching, we worked to offer the most basic necessities.

The Current Condition of Pakistan

This picturesque nation has over 202 million population. Nearly 24.3% of the population faces the daily challenges of poverty. Also, they meet with recurring landslides. These statistics represent families, children, and individuals facing adversity. Adding to the complexity, the majority of Pakistan’s population is young, with 64% under the age of 30. These are the faces of the future, experiencing challenges beyond their years. Then again, the national intervention doesn’t reach poor rural households.

UMR’s Compassionate Approach

Understanding the urgency of disaster response, we adopted an agile approach. Our micro targeted interventions swiftly reach disaster-affected people in remote and real areas. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, UMR has been working to improve lives. Through our programs, we are addressing the pressing needs of the vulnerable communities:

  • Water sanitation
  • Child Protection
  • Food Distribution

Why Continued Support is Essential

In a time of need, every donation, regardless of its size, matters. It makes a difference in the lives of those who have lost everything. UMR’s initiatives have already benefited over 65,000 individuals through nutritious food aid. Also, more than 600 orphans have received essential services. As winter intensifies, the need for ongoing support becomes even more critical. Your support through UMR can help rebuild the shattered spirits of the people.

Collaborating with UMR

UMR and UNICEF USA helped millions affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan. As winter sets in, the call for help remains urgent. Uniting with UMR, you become a source of comfort and support for fellow human beings. We are committed to the global goal of building a more inclusive and resilient world.

Actively participate in alleviating poverty and hunger and improving access to healthcare. In a world of uncertainty, we can collectively rebuild lives and restore hope.

This winter, share warmth with a family in need. When you donate through UMR, you are helping UNICEF provide families in Pakistan with lifesaving aid.

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